interior Feed

Clean up your living room!! / 快適生活ご提案いたします

Tvtansu09011Today, we would like to advise you how to stay comfortable in your living room.  This is the example.  We put 2 pieces of very big, wide, and deep merchant chests.  They were originally stacked, but we put them side by side and use as a TV stand.  This living room is small, but the height of the chests is nice to make the space comfortable. Even in the small living room, we can use big cabinet and put everything in it!!

Clean and comfortable decoration makes your room attractivegood

Okura Oriental Art



元々は重ねて使う帳場箪笥。 しかし、それでは壁のようになって圧迫感が・・・。地震の時も倒壊したら怖ろしいwobbly



スライドドアですからスペースが限られた場所でも使用可。 しかも大容量scissors

乱雑になりがちなDVD、AV機器、本やカタログ等々 なんでもok 扉を閉めればとにかくサッパリ。余計なモノが目に見えないようにすることがまず第一歩 チマチマっと小さな収納を数多く用意するより思い切って大きな収納を用意しましょう。


サイズ:高さ57.5cm 幅169cm 奥行51cm




ROGOBA kilim / ロゴバ キリム

Hanegib04Our favorite company of kilim renewed their website.  You will see many beautiful picutures which show HOW to enjoy kilim.  It is also nice to see other interior items in the pictures!!  (Some pictures of our interior decorating page are listed there, too!!  We used some of nice kilim before) Please see:

Okura Oreintal Art



当店がコーディネートした実例もご覧いただけます。 モダンインテリアに限らず色々なシーンでの活用方法。 とても参考になります。



If I can't find nice things..../ 欲しいモノが見つからないときは・・・

PhotoPhoto_2  We've enjoyed adding nice things for our 'Lake Yamanaka Showroom.'  But we could not find nice cushions and a green table cloth for a big dining table there weep

flair'I have to make them by myself....'   So I went to the nice fabric shop, 'Cotton field,' in Kichijo-ji and boughtmoneybag some for them.

The theme is 'The forest by the cottage near Mt.Fuji.' fuji'   We decided to put the new cushions on the bench in the garden.

I recommend you to make 'ONLY ONE' handmade by yourself.  It is fun to choose material, toosign03



お気に入りのファブリックショップ、吉祥寺のコットンフィールドで生地を買い、作ってみました。 さすがに久々のソーイングでミシンもあまり調子が良くない中、なんとかクッション2つとテーブルクロス(280x160!!)が完成sign03



Home decorating ideas in Lake Yamanaka showroom/ インテリアコーディネート実例集 in 山中湖

Img_1298 We enjoy thinking about various ideas to decorate our showroom in Lake Yamanaka. Today, let me introduce our ideas for arranging the space by the window. We made a nice lamp using 'Seto' blue & white porcelain vase with the picture of Mt.Fuji!! fuji  The top half of Sendai Tansu is very good size to put under the window. 

We will continue to post our ideas using the spaces theresoon

Okura Oriental Art


その一例をご紹介。 仙台箪笥の半分を使用して腰高の窓の下をアレンジ。 ランプは染付の筒型花器を利用した特注品(絵柄はもちろん富士山fuji)、練上のお皿は忍野在住の陶芸家 会田雄亮氏の作品 といった感しで山中湖という場所を意識した(しすぎ??)アイテムを取り揃えてみました。  




Great gift from fishermen / 漁師さんからの贈り物

R0041233 R0041234 As we enjoyed  beautiful interior decoration at Angela-san's house, we have been looking for small glass fishing bowls for a while.  Once we tried to find it, I realized that it is difficult to get nice-sized ones (about 5cm)
But I could get many of the CUTE size!!  They are not in perfect condition as blown glass, but they reflect very well.
After the typhoon, we enjoyed the sunlight through the glass very much!!

Okura Oriental Art





Building Ideas with Japanese Antiques Part Ⅱ/ 家をつくる~なら~♪

1102a_5_chest I can't wait to introduce the ALCOVE for 'Funa-Tansu' (Sea Chest) at the apartment of Mr. H..  It is so charming, isn't itsign02 The small place seems to be the most suitable for this type of Tansu.  It looks more attractive.  I'm very happy to see they build the good place for it and cherish it for a long time. 

On the left of the image, you will see the behind of the Shoji doors we introduced at PARTⅠ.  It is very practical to feel the family coming back hearing the steps in the kitchennote

Their house are full of sense of fun and functionality.  I'd love to visit their house some day!!

Mr.Hのお宅紹介第2弾。 今回の見どころは船箪笥の設置場所・・・・・  

なんとまぁ 専用の置き場所を作ってしまったのですね~eye カスタムメイド住宅ならではのアイデアと遊びゴコロ flair 安住の地を見つけた小さな箪笥もなんだか嬉しそう・・wink

画像左上をご覧ください。PARTⅠでご紹介した障子戸の裏側はキッチンのシンクがあったのです。 家族がタンタンタンと階段を上がってくる気配を感じながら、お料理・・・大切なことだと思います。

機能性と遊びゴコロが満載のH邸。 これからが楽しみですnotes

Building Ideas with Japanese Antiques Part Ⅰ/ 家をつくる~なら~♪

1102a_2_screens Mr.H who are very important person for me to start Antique business visited our shop.  He and his family moved to Vancouver and live in the beautiful oceanfromt house.  I asked him to send some photos of their interior design and we could enjoy them very much!!

Please look it, they builted the Japanese Old Shoji doors of 'Shoin' into the wall above the stairs.  It's fantastic decorationshine  I think it is much nicer than hanging the picturesflair

We are so happy to know that they will build a new house and they need some ideas of interior decoration using Japanese Antique for it.  They are interested in using 'Kurado' for the entrance door and some nice items.

Thank you visiting our shop, Mr.H!!  It should be exciting project for ussign03


バンクーバーの海を見渡す一軒家 う~ん 素敵だheart04

階段の窓に設置した書院窓の障子戸がモダンな空間に調和しています。 私のHPでインテリアコーディネートの数々を紹介しているのを見て、新しく建てる家のためにアイデアを出してほしいとのことflair さらに素晴らしいアイデアを出せるかどうか心配ですが・・・coldsweats01  頑張りますgood

蔵戸を利用したエントランスやテーブル等々 一点モノを製作しバンクーバーへ送ることに 大変だけど楽しいプロジェクトになりそうです。 


My Arrangement - Okamochi Bucket/ 私ならこう使う...(応用編)

Beer111261Today, I would like to return to the " My Arrangement" series, which I started in our spring 2010 blog.  I introduced how I use/arrange Japanese antiques by taking up one particular item at a time.  Today's item is a wooden Okamochi, the bucket with handles which was used to bring foods, bottles, and etc.  I put pots of foliage plants in it. bud Because of its latticed work, plants can breathe well.  And because of its convenient handle, you can move plants wherever you like.  Moreover, the bottom of the bucket is also latticed, so it's great to water the plants without taking them out !  Since it is very strong, we can carry many bottles when we have a garden party.  It's always very important to get rid of your stereotypes!!

久々にシリーズ復活sign01 題して、 「私ならこう使う・・・・ 」 

今回ご紹介するのは、瓶を運ぶ岡持ちの登場sign01 (多分そうだと思うのですが・・・・) 

格子が張り巡らされ、通気性がバツグン ご覧のように観葉植物を入れてお好きな場所に持ち運べるようにしてはいかがでしょう

底板部分も格子状ですから、水やりにも便利、昼間は日当たりの良い場所、夜は室内に移動するなんてことが簡単に出来ちゃいます。 う~ん confident これは便利だ・・・・・・・。flair


既成概念を取り払えば色々用途が広がります。 是非、お試しあれ


嬉しいお便り / Welcome tidings

Imgp1360 Imgp1346 We got an e-mail with photos from Mr.Y yesterday.  The photos show the items he bought from our shop for his house!!  I felt so happy to know he enjoys them....  It was a wonderful gift for me!!

Mr.Y lives in Akita pref.  I don't think it's easy to come to our shop, but he found our shop through internet and decided to visit us.  He and his wife were looking for a cabinet to keep their lacquered trays.  They let us know the dimensions of the trays.  Finally we found a nice Tansu, and he bought it.  I can remember the time we walked around the auction place with a ruler to find the Tansu of good size.  We were so glad to find it!!  Since then, they often enjoy our website and got a 'Andon' paper lamp, too.

It is nice to see the items in our custmer's place, of course.  We found a nice Kiri Kannon Tansu at our customer's house when we delivered another Tansu.  I said, 'Hello again!'  It is my happiest time...

Thank you so much , Mr.&Mrs.Y!! We look forward  to seeing you again.

先日、秋田県に住むYさんから画像付きのメールが送られてきました。 開けてみると、見覚えのある箪笥や行灯が置いてあるすっきりとしたお部屋が写っていました。 ティーセットまで置いてあり、画像のためにきちんとしつらえてくださっている様子。 

Yさんご夫妻が初めてご来店されたときのことはよく覚えています。 お膳を仕舞うための箪笥をお探しだったので、その後の家具のオークションでは定規片手に探していました。 こういうものを探しているときに良いサイズが見つかると本当に嬉しいものです。しかもご購入いただいた後にこのような画像を送ってくださるなんて、本当に涙もの・・・。 この仕事をしていて良かった・・・・ その後、行灯もお買い上げいただきました。 行灯の画像も落ち着いた雰囲気が出ていていいですよね。


Begin the decoration with big one! / 大きなモノから始めよう!

Img_8978 Img_8678 I know it is easier to buy smaller items than bigger ones.  But I think it is very important to get the biggest main furniture first.  Otherwise, the arrangement of your rooms will never be settled, and it's always the case that you will regret and think, "where should these small things go??" bearing

For example, when I saw this big entrance hall, I decided to put this big merchant cabinet first.  I've never had doubt with my idea because I knew it is the easiest way for planning.  The terracotta floor goes well with the natural, warm color of this cabinet. Also I thought the big size of the cabinet matches the area of the hall. The rest of the decoration went on very quickly after then.  We could enjoy choosing the other small items!!good

Just one more . .  Please carefully select the big items.  Usually they will become the main furniture in your rooms.  When you are looking for, please don't give up until you find your favorite ones.

Okura Oriental Art



大切なことはメインの家具を最初に揃えることsign03 もちろんそのスペースに置く一番大きなものです。気に入ったものが無ければ見つかるまで我慢しましょうsad 



主役を決めるのはとても難しいことだと思います。 でも長く使うものですから妥協はせずに、そして飽きの来ないきちんとしたものを選ぶのも大切ですよねconfident



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