My Arrangement - Okamochi Bucket/ 私ならこう使う...(応用編)
Today, I would like to return to the " My Arrangement" series, which I started in our spring 2010 blog. I introduced how I use/arrange Japanese antiques by taking up one particular item at a time. Today's item is a wooden Okamochi, the bucket with handles which was used to bring foods, bottles, and etc. I put pots of foliage plants in it.
Because of its latticed work, plants can breathe well. And because of its convenient handle, you can move plants wherever you like. Moreover, the bottom of the bucket is also latticed, so it's great to water the plants without taking them out ! Since it is very strong, we can carry many bottles when we have a garden party. It's always very important to get rid of your stereotypes!!
久々にシリーズ復活 題して、 「私ならこう使う・・・・ 」
今回ご紹介するのは、瓶を運ぶ岡持ちの登場 (多分そうだと思うのですが・・・・)
格子が張り巡らされ、通気性がバツグン ご覧のように観葉植物を入れてお好きな場所に持ち運べるようにしてはいかがでしょう
底板部分も格子状ですから、水やりにも便利、昼間は日当たりの良い場所、夜は室内に移動するなんてことが簡単に出来ちゃいます。 う~ん これは便利だ・・・・・・・。
既成概念を取り払えば色々用途が広がります。 是非、お試しあれ