4th Anniversary party
One of our favorite restaurants in neighborhhood, SUJI's had a 4th anniversary party.
They have served gorgeous and perfect brunch, very big burgers, and a variety of American foods that not only Americans but we all enjoyed their superb tastes - it's like Mom's home cooking.
According to Ms. Suji, they added more menus such as healthy vegetable dishes, or small portioned plates. Unlike fast food restaurants, they cook everything with good care in the open-kitchen and don't use any frozen ingredients! Ms. Suji is a Korean-American brought up in the U.S., but she also speaks fluent Japanese. She is such a charming lady who always cheers us up. It's a great restaurant to have delicious American food in relaxing and cheerful atmosphere. You can take your children, too!!
「4周年記念パーティーをやるので参加していただけませんか」 「いつも利用してくださるので貴方たちをご招待します
」 とのこと。
最近行っていないのに悪いな~ と思いつつも、せっかくなので参加しちゃいました。
BIGなハンバーガーをはじめとして、ボリューム満点のこのお店。 特にアメリカ人には好評で彼らにとっての「おふくろの味」 といったようなお店のようです。
Sujiさんはアメリカ育ちの韓国人。(日本語ペラペラ) 気さくで笑顔が素敵な女性です。
☆とてもアットホームなお店で子供連れでもOK むしろ歓迎してくれますよ~