I got it!!! / み~つけた!
Today, we delivered Tansu to our customer's apartment. There were 3 cute (& naughty?!
) children, and they were so curious about it
Their father said, 'There is a secret box somewhere in this chest. Can you find it? ' They suddenly kneeled down on the floor and looked into it.
Finally, one of them found it She looked so HAPPY
This is my happiest moment to see our costomer's smile. I realized again that it is very important to deliver our items by ourselves.
I hope they will continue to enjoy it and remember today's event
Their apartment was on the 37th floor, and they kindly offered us to enjoy the view of today's clear sky......BUT I was afraid of height
I could enjoy the giddy feeling....
今日は近所のお宅まで箪笥の配送。 三人のやんちゃ盛りが新しく来たこの総桐衣裳箪笥に興味津々
そして発見 見てくださいこの嬉しそうな顔
追記・・・・ 某高層マンション37階のお部屋で外の素晴らしい景色を見るように促されましたが私、極度の高所恐怖症 これが目下の悩み