If I can't find nice things..../ 欲しいモノが見つからないときは・・・
We've enjoyed adding nice things for our 'Lake Yamanaka Showroom.' But we could not find nice cushions and a green table cloth for a big dining table there
'I have to make them by myself....' So I went to the nice fabric shop, 'Cotton field,' in Kichijo-ji and bought
some for them.
The theme is 'The forest by the cottage near Mt.Fuji.' ' We decided to put the new cushions on the bench in the garden.
I recommend you to make 'ONLY ONE' handmade by yourself. It is fun to choose material, too
お気に入りのファブリックショップ、吉祥寺のコットンフィールドで生地を買い、作ってみました。 さすがに久々のソーイングでミシンもあまり調子が良くない中、なんとかクッション2つとテーブルクロス(280x160!!)が完成