Building Ideas with Japanese Antiques Part Ⅰ/ 家をつくる~なら~♪
Mr.H who are very important person for me to start Antique business visited our shop. He and his family moved to Vancouver and live in the beautiful oceanfromt house. I asked him to send some photos of their interior design and we could enjoy them very much!!
Please look it, they builted the Japanese Old Shoji doors of 'Shoin' into the wall above the stairs. It's fantastic decoration I think it is much nicer than hanging the pictures
We are so happy to know that they will build a new house and they need some ideas of interior decoration using Japanese Antique for it. They are interested in using 'Kurado' for the entrance door and some nice items.
Thank you visiting our shop, Mr.H!! It should be exciting project for us
バンクーバーの海を見渡す一軒家 う~ん 素敵だ
階段の窓に設置した書院窓の障子戸がモダンな空間に調和しています。 私のHPでインテリアコーディネートの数々を紹介しているのを見て、新しく建てる家のためにアイデアを出してほしいとのこと さらに素晴らしいアイデアを出せるかどうか心配ですが・・・
蔵戸を利用したエントランスやテーブル等々 一点モノを製作しバンクーバーへ送ることに 大変だけど楽しいプロジェクトになりそうです。