New Arrivals are now introduced!! / 続々掲載中!
We started to introduce many new arrivals again...I will work hard!!
Please look at : Old Kutani beckoning cat (color is beautiful!), 'Makie' trays(picture is charming!), 3 blue& white Hibachi(various size & design), flower baskets(unique shape), HUGE 'Andon' paper lamp, beautiful Red Food boxes, and many more items!
And also, Synmetric Choba Tansu will be listed soon! It is very good size and should be very practical.
Please feel free to inquire about anything
*I don't know why many of our customers bought some of them before introducing them ...Why do they know they are new arrival at the shop
九谷招き猫(商売繁盛間違いなし) お多福(悩ましいポーズ
) 黒塗六歌仙蒔絵盆(なんとも微笑ましい絵図) 染付扇面団扇柄手あぶり(夏まで待てない) 鳳凰桐陽刻文手あぶり(金魚でもメダカでもOK
) 竹花籠(何を盛っても様になります) 黒塗角大行灯(お店の看板にいかが
) 漆段重(コンパクトで使いやすい)