Building Ideas with Japanese Antiques Part Ⅱ/ 家をつくる~なら~♪
I can't wait to introduce the ALCOVE for 'Funa-Tansu' (Sea Chest) at the apartment of Mr. H.. It is so charming, isn't it
The small place seems to be the most suitable for this type of Tansu. It looks more attractive. I'm very happy to see they build the good place for it and cherish it for a long time.
On the left of the image, you will see the behind of the Shoji doors we introduced at PARTⅠ. It is very practical to feel the family coming back hearing the steps in the kitchen
Their house are full of sense of fun and functionality. I'd love to visit their house some day!!
Mr.Hのお宅紹介第2弾。 今回の見どころは船箪笥の設置場所・・・・・
なんとまぁ 専用の置き場所を作ってしまったのですね~ カスタムメイド住宅ならではのアイデアと遊びゴコロ
画像左上をご覧ください。PARTⅠでご紹介した障子戸の裏側はキッチンのシンクがあったのです。 家族がタンタンタンと階段を上がってくる気配を感じながら、お料理・・・大切なことだと思います。
機能性と遊びゴコロが満載のH邸。 これからが楽しみです