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Top page & Interior Decorating page has been updated today! / トップページ&ショールーム画像更新しました!

Table04 This time, we shot many photos of table settings.  We hope they would be helpful for you to think about your party scene in this season.shine

Please enjoy the wide sellections of Japanese antiques from very casual to gorgeous & valuable items!





Christmas Jam / クリスマスプレゼント第1号!

Present1 Present2Madame T. came to visit us from Kamakura.  She brought us a wonderful Christmas gift topped with a cute Santa.  The gift is a jam made of dried fruits and nuts, called  xmasNoel xmas from Romi-Unie Confiture, a very popular jam shop.  I believe that they have another shop in Gakugeidaigaku.  I just wanted to take a photo of the box, since it's so cute and this was the first Christmas gift of this year.  Mme.T, always cheerful and bright and she is such an elegant lady, told us about her recent news that she bought a Persian carpet for her dining room and she enjoys rearranging her rooms.  I became very impatient to look at her new rooms!!  I am always grateful to her charm to cheer up and stimulate me thunderdiamond

今日、鎌倉マダムが可愛い可愛いプレゼントを持ってご来店。 みると可愛らしいサンタがついてる~ heart04

今、鎌倉でブレイクしているジャム屋さん、ロミ・ユニ コンフィチュールのノエルと言う名前のドライフルーツやナッツまで入っているミックスジャム。 むむ?学芸大にもありますね。

味見の前にパチリ。 こういう小さくて可愛らしいギフトって見ているだけで嬉しくなってしまいますよね。 お気遣いどうもありがとうございました。

さて、鎌倉マダムの近況ですが、最近綺麗なペルシャ絨毯を購入されて、ゲストダイニングを模様替えされたとか・・・・。 近々にお伺いして見せていただかなくては!!


One More Month / クリスマスまであと一カ月!

Santa1I heard many people feel that the older we become, the faster the time flies.  So do I.  When I think of 2010, just about to finish, I feel somewhat sad and lonely . . . . .  flair  However, the Advent season really cheers me up.  I thought red is the Christmas color, so knowing that I am too simple I decorated our table with RED!  And I hope to cheer up the people passing by.

We can give the gift wrap for your Christmas gift.  It is hard to use boxes for antiques but we will sometimes use Japanese FUROSHIKI, instead.  To give antique item as a gift is wonderful because the item is unique.  Please drop by!!

なぜだろう・・・・think 年をとるごとに月日の流れるのが早く感じるのは・・・・・sweat01



でも Happyな気持ちにさせてくれるxmasクリスマスシーズンの到来sign03 宗教上の意味はともかく、素直に楽しんでしまいましょうnote









嬉しいお便り / Welcome tidings

Imgp1360 Imgp1346 We got an e-mail with photos from Mr.Y yesterday.  The photos show the items he bought from our shop for his house!!  I felt so happy to know he enjoys them....  It was a wonderful gift for me!!

Mr.Y lives in Akita pref.  I don't think it's easy to come to our shop, but he found our shop through internet and decided to visit us.  He and his wife were looking for a cabinet to keep their lacquered trays.  They let us know the dimensions of the trays.  Finally we found a nice Tansu, and he bought it.  I can remember the time we walked around the auction place with a ruler to find the Tansu of good size.  We were so glad to find it!!  Since then, they often enjoy our website and got a 'Andon' paper lamp, too.

It is nice to see the items in our custmer's place, of course.  We found a nice Kiri Kannon Tansu at our customer's house when we delivered another Tansu.  I said, 'Hello again!'  It is my happiest time...

Thank you so much , Mr.&Mrs.Y!! We look forward  to seeing you again.

先日、秋田県に住むYさんから画像付きのメールが送られてきました。 開けてみると、見覚えのある箪笥や行灯が置いてあるすっきりとしたお部屋が写っていました。 ティーセットまで置いてあり、画像のためにきちんとしつらえてくださっている様子。 

Yさんご夫妻が初めてご来店されたときのことはよく覚えています。 お膳を仕舞うための箪笥をお探しだったので、その後の家具のオークションでは定規片手に探していました。 こういうものを探しているときに良いサイズが見つかると本当に嬉しいものです。しかもご購入いただいた後にこのような画像を送ってくださるなんて、本当に涙もの・・・。 この仕事をしていて良かった・・・・ その後、行灯もお買い上げいただきました。 行灯の画像も落ち着いた雰囲気が出ていていいですよね。


We will open on Nov 23rd(tue) / 11月23日(火)は通常通り営業いたします

We open the shop on Labor Thanksgiving Daygood

The weather should be nice in the afternoon and we hope many customers will see many new arrivals, A pair of small paulownia chest (could be nice as bed side table), a charming  Imari blue & white small Hibachi(with the picture of fans & Mt. Fujifuji), fine iron 'Sake' pourer(woderful silver inlay work & 'Makie' picture), Black lacquered sweet case(with the picture of 'Origami' cranes), Kutani Beckoning Cat...etc...

Please don't miss itsign03

info02Okura Oriental Art is open on national holidays if they are on Tuesday ~ Saturday!!

Okura Oriental Art

Okura Oriental Art is open on national holidays if they are on Tuesday ~ Saturday!!

11月23日(火)勤労感謝の日  大蔵オリエンタルアートは通常通り営業いたします。


new 新商品も続々入荷中です。 ペアの小箪笥(抽斗いっぱい、収納便利) 黒塗雪洞一対(六角形のデザインが素敵) 手あぶり(富士山fuji&扇の絵柄) 鉄銚子一対(銀象嵌入ってます)黒塗漆の菓子器(折り鶴の蒔絵が可愛い) 九谷招き猫cat(美男子heart04

その他、色々・・・・。 琴線に触れる逸品がみつかるかも・・・・・



新商品入荷! New Arrivals! 

I felt like I was writing only to myself, but to our pleasure, we got to know that so many people are checking this blog.  Thank you for checking our news/ messages in this blog. heart02

Let us introduce our new arraivals new

Splendid All Keyaki Merchant's Chest, Keyaki Yonezawa Tansu with the iron work of butterflies, Keyaki Nihonmatsu clothing Tansu ( simple iron works and the Keyaki grain are beautiful), The Pair of Red Lacquered Square AndonFish-Shaped Laqcquered Sweet Case, Keyaki Fish-Shaped Wooden Bar, All Keyaki Tea Chest (with the handles of plover birds, fans, and scrolls )some Cute Haisen, Black Lacquered Bonbori Lantern in vry nice condition, etc,etc.  If you are already interested in any of above items, please contact us for further information sun



さてさて、今回の収穫ですが、総欅帳場箪笥(前後左右上下全て欅材、抽斗内部は桐 見事ですgoodgoodgood) 欅米澤箪笥(蝶金具で綺麗です) 欅二本松衣装箪笥(シンプルな金具、欅木目が見事) 朱塗角行灯ペア(台座に欅材を使用 サイズも可愛い) 鯛の菓子器(入荷すると撮影する間もなく売れてしまう人気者) 鯛の横木(欅材で形がGOOD) 総欅の茶箪笥(つまみが千鳥、扇子、巻物ととても洒落ています) 盃洗(可愛いサイズが数点入荷) 黒塗雪洞ペア(状態秀逸)


その節はご容赦ください。 (info01文章だけで直観的にピンときた方、まずはお問い合わせください)


只今準備中! / Interior decorating page will be updated soon!!

Please look at our Interior Decorating Page, which will be updated soon.

We will set the period of "Okura Oriental Art Show Room at the Lake Yamanaka Mountain House" in the next spring.  Please visit there, it's wonderful to explore the Yamanaka  area!!





この山荘を使用して、2011年春より期間限定で大蔵オリエンタルアート・ショールームをオープン予定。 お楽しみに~。

That's the Diamond-Fuji !! / ダイヤモンド富士

Diamond_fujiI already wrote that we went to the Lake Yamanaka the other day.  As we checked the Tourist Bureau of Lake Yamanaka before going there, there was an information about the Diamond-Fuji ----- we can see the Diamond Fuji, which means that, from the Lake Yamanaka only in this time of season, we can see the sun setting on the very top of Mt. Fuji, and the sun shines just like a diamond.  I was eager to watch this!!  So I went to the lake-side carrying the camera. . . there, so many seemingly professional nature cameramen stood by with their full equipments at the best positions.  I, feeling somewhat small, gave up the best position to these nature cameramen, but tried to take my BEST SHOT!! shine shine  Actually, I waited and waited for this very moment so long, but it was just in an instant.  I learned that everybody aspires after Diamond-Fuji because it's so precious an event of a brief moment.







We're Appeared in BOQ / 掲載していただきました。

Ph1BOQ is an informational web-site, designed for the customers of men's fashion, interior decorating, or shopping in general.  It's a very stylish site.  "Best Option for Quality" is its slogan , as well as the abbreviation becomes the title of the site.  We heard from one of the staffs of BOQ that he came to our shop because they got a recommendation from a customer.  We don know who this customer is.  We send a lot of gratitude for our hidden customers!! The article is here: http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/no_delivery_en.html



‘best option for quality'をキーワードに質の高いモノや情報を提供しているサイトだそうです。




Lighted up Autumn Leaves / 夜の紅葉もおつなもの

Momiji1_2 Momiji2_2 Momiji3_2We went to the Lake Yamanaka area to arrange the interior decoration of a mountain house. It took so long to finish until nightfall, but luckily, we could watch the lighted up autumn leaves.scissors

It was very cold out there, but we enjoyed the crisp air and tasty autumn leaves.





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