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Trick or Treat !!

Halloween1Today, we found a fabulous Halloween decoration on our way to a customer's house.  In that area, people seemed to enjoy Halloween, they put cute scary stuffs not only in front of houses, but also on the streets, like these, , , children will enjoy the trick-or-treating tonight!!! shock


お届けしたお宅の一帯はHALLOWEEN の飾り付けが・・・・

Halloween2 それぞれのお宅が工夫を凝らしたウインドーディスプレーを楽しんでいました。

Halloween3 家の中だけでなく、通りまでも・・・・・  夕方には可愛いお化けが沢山出没することでしょうsign01

Pumpkin Tansu / カボチャ?

Pumpkin1 Mogami109161lThere are a variety of designs on the ironwork of Tansu.    When we fix gaze on this one, we come to believe that this is a pumpkin!!  Yes, it's pumpkin, , ,

箪笥の金具は多種多様。 ジ~と見ているとなんだかヘンテコなモノに見えてくる場合が・・・think

この金具 カボチャに見えませんか? 


It's Finally Done / ようやく完成

Iroelamp10301 Iroelamp10302 They said, "  . . .will be done before the summer holidays."  And we waited and waited but heard nothing from them.  Then we called them, they said, " . . .  We're just working on it now."  This is the trite phrase of  'Soba' delivery at lunch time, in Japan,   But anyhow, we got this one just recently.  How do you think?  It's difficult to design the shape of the shade, but we think this one has a good balance, and beautifully done!!

Imari Polychrome Vase Lamp: H/56cm, W/42cm, ¥75,000.

clip Lamp Shade Maker Needed! -----  We are still looking for the experienced lamp shade maker.  Both recommendations and direct applications accepted.   

「お盆前にはお届けしま~す」 と言ったきり待てど暮らせど出来上がる気配なし・・・think



しかし・・・出来は上々sign03  雰囲気出てますscissors 




 どなたか良い職人さん知りませんか? 自薦他薦を問いません(笑)


サイズ:高さ56cm 直径42cm

価格: 75,000円


Working on a clear autumn day / レストア日和

Last week, we had a customer who hasn't been to our shop for 20 years.  Upon her request, we worked on restoring an All Kiri Tansu today, under the clear sky. sun It was nice to work outside, because we could talk with many people who were passing by and they were all curious about what we were doing.  Antique shop in general, may be seen as uncomfortable place to enter.  We know you need a courage to enter our shop for the first time.  So we realized that it is a very nice thing and a big pleasure for us to have some talks about our items, and about what we are doiing, with many people. 



いろいろ質問を浴びせてきます  中には道を尋ねるだけの方もしましたが・・・・coldsweats02

質問にお答えしながら作業をしていると なんだか店頭実演販売のようになってしまいました


作業に熱中するあまり、周りがみえなくなり気がつくと数人立ち止り覗き込んでいた なんてこともありましたけどsign01 

この箪笥、来週には仕上がりますので世田谷のOさん もうしばらくお待ちくださいwrench


Joy of Displaying / ディスプレイの楽しみ

I always try to give a nice display in our show window, though we are facing a not so busy street.  But still, sometimes those people or neighbors who pass by our store tell me, " Nice job!", or "Beautiful screen! I like it."   I become the most happiest in the world with such praise.smile

Today, I bought some flowers for the Bronze Flower Vase.  It looks simple and subdued, but actually it is very useful.  No matter how we use it, everything becomes chic with this type of vase; i.e., nice even as a champagne cooler.  The stylish set of Merchant's Tansu is difficult to be noticed when both Tansu are simply put on the floor, right next each other.  So I wanted to show them like this.   The Byobu-screen on the back was made with the old Kimono from Edo era.  I think of the beauty of old Kimono which has a magical power to attract people today.  We are looking forward to your coming!!  shine



今日は時間があったので花を買いに行き、銅の水盤に秋の花を活けてみました。 銅の脚付きの水盤は一見地味ですがとっても便利。 どう使ってもシックにまとまります。なんとシャンパンクーラーにしてしまう方もflair


背景にしている屏風は江戸中期頃の小袖を屏風にしたもの。 やはり古いものパワーが違います。 ウィンドウの前でうっとりしている方を中からこっそりみるのもまた楽しbleah(悪趣味sign02



Kitchen Cabinet / 五尺水屋箪笥入荷!

5shakumizuyaThis is our new 5-shaku Kitchen Cabinet.  1 shaku= about 30cm.  So 5 shaku is about 150cm. 

It's getting harder and harder to find the Kitchen Cabinet of this width.  We haven't seen the one for quite a while.  Many people think that 1 ken (180cm) is too wide, but 4 shaku (120cm)  is not enough.  So the 5 shaku is the best!  This type is gorgeous with the see-through doors.  You can put your collections inside, where we put the light.  shine

pencil Dimension: H/167cm, W/149cm, D/42cm,   Material: Hinoki (Cypres,9  Keyaki (Zelkova,) and Sugi (Ceder.)  Age: 120~130 years, SOLD OUT

なかなか無いのです五尺の水屋箪笥think 久々にめぐり合いました  素敵な箪笥ですsign01


お好きなコレクションを飾っても良いですね~ センス良く見せびらかしちゃってくださいsign03


探していた方、是非sign03     ご連絡お待ちいたしております。

サイズ:高さ167cm(上段88.5cm 下段78.5cm) 幅149cm 奥行42cm





Showcase Hotel Okura / ホテルオークラのショーケース

Okura01 flair Today, we changed the display of our showcase at Hotel Okura.  We tried to make the space rich in variety with Haisen, Bronze Lantern, Imari Polychrome Plate, Basket for Tea Ceremony, Tokkuri (Sake Pourer,) Imari Octagon Bowl, Ukiyoe, and etc.  This is a very small showcase, but we've got to know many nice customers though here.  Mr. David Sanborn, our adimirable great sax player, is one of them.  We heard that he will come back to Japan in December. It's very funny to see him, with his three fingers up, saying,"I'm San-Bo~~n!"  We very much look forward to seeing him soon.  heart01 heart04

ホテルオークラにお借りしてる当店のショーケース。 本日、大幅に展示商品を入れ替えいたしました。今回は、盃洗や銅の灯籠、花籠、七寸色絵皿、茶籠、徳利、伊万里八角色絵鉢、浮世絵 等々 楽しい品ぞろえにしました sign01


私の大好きな DAVID SANBORN氏もその一人・・・・・。



指を三本立てて「アイム サンボ~ン!」 とおどけながら来店する彼。



Souvenir from London / 素敵なお土産♡

Cheese01_2 Cheese2 Cheese03Do you know Halloumi Cheese?  My friend, 'M'chan, who is living in London, brought it to me.  I tried to cook it in 2 ways following exactly what she told me.  Recipe 1: Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and saute the cheese until golden on both sides --- Delicious!  Good with white wine!!  Recipe 2: Dress grilled asparagus and paprica, and sauted cheese with olive oil and grated scent-free garlic. Excellent combination of sweet vegetables and salty cheese!!  I am too impatient to wait for the next time she comes back with the cheese, so I will look for the way to get it. restaurant

Halloumi Cheese(ハルミチーズ)という名前のチーズをご存知ですか?先日ロンドンに住む友達から「絶対好きだと思う!」と、お土産にいただきました。初めて出会うチーズ、どうなるか分からないので教えられた通りに調理。せっかくだから2メニュー作ってみましたscissors


お次は焼き色のついたチーズにグリルしたパプリカ&グリーンアスパラと和えてみました。 味付けはオリーブオイルと無臭ニンニクのすりおろしを少しだけ。 野菜の甘さとチーズの程良い塩味がうまく調和して何とも言えない美味しさに、舌鼓heart04癖になりそう。 

気に入ったらまた買ってくるね!と言ってくれましたが、待ちきれない私はひたすら日本で手に入れようと四苦八苦することでしょう 食いしん坊 はこういう努力は惜しみませんwink


Tom & Jerry / 永遠のライバル

Tom010131_2It's a never-ending rivalry --- Yes, we found the Tom & Jerry, Japanese version.  It probably had been the decoration of the handrail of a staircase.  Who ordered this?  Did he/she like cats, or animals?  Anyway, we are sure that this is unusual and interesting!!  It has some chips, but it is of very fine workmanship.  Since the material, Keyaki wood, is one of the hardest woods, curving required advanced skill.  Please come see it at our shop. . . . run

面白いものを見つけました。トムとジェリーです(?)Tom010132 bleah 階段の手摺の一部だったのでしょうが、一体これを発注した人はどういう趣味なのでしょう?単なる動物好きか、それとも受け狙いかsign02

いずれにしても、キズはありますが、非常に良くできています。 堅い木でこれだけのものを作るには相当の技術が必要かと思いますconfident


新商品掲載! New Arrivals!  

Kuri010138lDear our customers,

We keep uploading our new arrivals.  Hope you enjoy the beautiful autumn weather this week! sun


今週は気持ちの良いお天気になりそうな気配・・・・ 是非 ご来店ください。


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