Joy of Displaying / ディスプレイの楽しみ
I always try to give a nice display in our show window, though we are facing a not so busy street. But still, sometimes those people or neighbors who pass by our store tell me, " Nice job!", or "Beautiful screen! I like it." I become the most happiest in the world with such praise.
Today, I bought some flowers for the Bronze Flower Vase. It looks simple and subdued, but actually it is very useful. No matter how we use it, everything becomes chic with this type of vase; i.e., nice even as a champagne cooler. The stylish set of Merchant's Tansu is difficult to be noticed when both Tansu are simply put on the floor, right next each other. So I wanted to show them like this. The Byobu-screen on the back was made with the old Kimono from Edo era. I think of the beauty of old Kimono which has a magical power to attract people today. We are looking forward to your coming!!
今日は時間があったので花を買いに行き、銅の水盤に秋の花を活けてみました。 銅の脚付きの水盤は一見地味ですがとっても便利。 どう使ってもシックにまとまります。なんとシャンパンクーラーにしてしまう方も
背景にしている屏風は江戸中期頃の小袖を屏風にしたもの。 やはり古いものパワーが違います。 ウィンドウの前でうっとりしている方を中からこっそりみるのもまた楽し(悪趣味