新商品入荷! New Arrivals!
I felt like I was writing only to myself, but to our pleasure, we got to know that so many people are checking this blog. Thank you for checking our news/ messages in this blog.
Let us introduce our new arraivals
Splendid All Keyaki Merchant's Chest, Keyaki Yonezawa Tansu with the iron work of butterflies, Keyaki Nihonmatsu clothing Tansu ( simple iron works and the Keyaki grain are beautiful), The Pair of Red Lacquered Square Andon, Fish-Shaped Laqcquered Sweet Case, Keyaki Fish-Shaped Wooden Bar, All Keyaki Tea Chest (with the handles of plover birds, fans, and scrolls ), some Cute Haisen, Black Lacquered Bonbori Lantern in vry nice condition, etc,etc. If you are already interested in any of above items, please contact us for further information
さてさて、今回の収穫ですが、総欅帳場箪笥(前後左右上下全て欅材、抽斗内部は桐 見事です) 欅米澤箪笥(蝶金具で綺麗です) 欅二本松衣装箪笥(シンプルな金具、欅木目が見事) 朱塗角行灯ペア(台座に欅材を使用 サイズも可愛い) 鯛の菓子器(入荷すると撮影する間もなく売れてしまう人気者) 鯛の横木(欅材で形がGOOD) 総欅の茶箪笥(つまみが千鳥、扇子、巻物ととても洒落ています) 盃洗(可愛いサイズが数点入荷) 黒塗雪洞ペア(状態秀逸)
その節はご容赦ください。 (文章だけで直観的にピンときた方、まずはお問い合わせください)