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Great gift from fishermen / 漁師さんからの贈り物

R0041233 R0041234 As we enjoyed  beautiful interior decoration at Angela-san's house, we have been looking for small glass fishing bowls for a while.  Once we tried to find it, I realized that it is difficult to get nice-sized ones (about 5cm)
But I could get many of the CUTE size!!  They are not in perfect condition as blown glass, but they reflect very well.
After the typhoon, we enjoyed the sunlight through the glass very much!!

Okura Oriental Art





Exporing around Lake Yamanaka partⅠJapanese Restaurant 'Uchiwa' / ご馳走屋 うちわ

R0041136 R0041144 We could find a nice Japanese restaurantrestaurant 'Uchiwa' (meaning: a fan) along Lake Yamanaka.  We found it during Golden Week this year.   It was the busiest time for the restaurants around there and the people of the restaurant looked so busy and upset, so we had to be patient.weep.....BUT! the food was very nicehappy02 and we decided to go there again.

We went to the restaurant last week again, and found the people of the restaurant were very nice.  They served delicious food quickly and talked about how busy they were during GW.  My daughter was so happy to eat yummy food, too!!

Okura Oriental Art

山中湖周辺のレストランを探して色々ご紹介していきたいと思います。 まずは ご馳走屋うちわriceball


初めて訪れたのがゴールデンウィークの真っ最中。 大混雑でお店の人も忙しそう。なかなか料理が出てこない~weep  ご機嫌ナナメになりかけた時に出てきた料理、これが美味しかった!! また来よう、そう決めてお店を後にしました。

観光客も去った日曜日の夜に再訪note お店の人たちもとてもリラックスした感じで、タイミング良くサービスして下さいました。。 あ~、良かった。 GWは山中湖周辺は1年で一番忙しい時だそうで・・・。 



Being a kid again / しばし童心に・・・

R0041115 R0041114 R0041112Along the Lake Yamanakafuji, there is Teddy Bear Museum where we can see many nice bears.  It was amazing that there was a very historic one made by Steiff in 1918, and was owned by a noble family.  Since it was well kept in the glass case for a long time, he survived the fire of the World War II.  I don't know why it is now in this museum in Japan, but I was lucky to see itsign03

When my daughter pressed the button at the entrance, all of the animals started to move!!  Wowsign01 What a fancy world sign03They moved very wellnote

It was my daughter who asked us to go there, but she seemed to get bored soon ....pout.  I'm sure I loved them better than shecoldsweats01

You will have more fun around the Lake Yamanaka area.  Please visit our showroom there to escape from the heat in Tokyo this summer.  We have the English information leaflet at the shop now.

Okura Oriental Art

ご存知の方もいらっしゃるでしょう。山中湖畔にテディベアミュージアムがあります。ショールームからもほど近くお客様へもご案内できるようにと思い、行ってきました。 正直あまり期待はしていなかったのですが規模は小さいながらもきちんとしたコレクションがずらりsign03 1918年にオーストリアの貴族が作らせたという逸品まで収蔵されています。



What's 'Yame' Stone?

R0041048 We have got a Stone Lantern today.  This is made of 'Yame' stone which is known as the best stone for the garden furniture.

Please see the internet TV program of Fukuoka prefecture.  You will see very interesting story about this stone.

I love the stone items.... But there is an important business for me...I should train my muscle sign03

Why don't you open your shop??! / 開かない扉

Nao1105519 I don't know why one of my best friends, an antique dealer, Mr.N, has been hasitated to open his shop for a long time.  He had moved to the old apartment to open his new shop and the place was already renovated to a beautiful space.  This place seems to be quite comfortable for his guests. 

Please determine to open the shop!!  I will be happy to help you at the openning party!!

友人のN氏。 心機一転 新店舗をOPENしようと奮闘中sign01 及ばずながら私達もお手伝いをしているのですが、どうしたわけかなかなかOPENしないんですこのお店・・・・。think


オープニングパーティーをやろうwine  料理は任せなさいconfident いっそのことカフェも併設っていうのはどうですかjapanesetea



Fun to walk in the park!! / 初夏の公園散歩

We could see many street performers in Inogashira park.  They are approved as "street entertainers" and allowed to perform in the Park by the City of Tokyo.   Of course, their performance is fantastic!!

Let me introduce some of them. 

He is a balloonnotes artist, but he talks a lot like a commedian making a amazing art of balloon!!



Have you ever seen this traditional performance using an umbrella and small things like ballbaseball


We really enjoyed many of them on the sunny day in early summersun

指先のマジック/ Japanese magic!!

Bw1We went to 'Inogashira' Park on Sunday, it was a beautful day.  There were many stalls where many kinds of art crafts were sold, and we could see some street performers.  We enjoyed them very much.

I found a very nice artist who made crickets or frogs using leavesclover.  My daughter was so excited to see him making the crickets because it was truly like a magic. We bought some of them.

I borrowed them from my daughter and put them on the blue & white porcelain.  Natural color is always nice on Antiques. 

Please try to go to Inogashira Park, you will find many interesting art crafts!!flair

Okura Oriental Art



その中で目に留まったのがコチラeye  草の葉cloverで編んだバッタsign01  手先の器用な日本人ならではのまさにフォークアートshine

Bw05171 草の葉を巧みに使いバッタやコオロギ、蛙等々を目の前で作ってくれます。


涼しげな染付の器 多数入荷してきます。



Namasu Bowl / なます皿 色々・・・

3namasu15111This type of small to midium sized bowls are called, Namasu- zara, in Japan.  Namasu is a typical Japanese dish of finely chopped raw fish and vegetables soaked in venegar.   In short, Namasu bowls are for watery dish.  They are very often used in traditional Japanese cuisine, and there are a variety of shapes and colors.  We listed up some of them in our catalogue.  Please find the one you can actually use at your dinner table.  wine

new なます皿を各種取り揃え掲載してみました。比較的安価な商品なので、今までは掲載する間もなく売れて行ってしまっていました。 今回、まとめて入荷しましたのでご紹介いたします。

一口になます皿といっても色合い、時代も様々 普段使いとしてこれほど重宝するアイテムはないですよ。



My Arrangement - Inban Case / 私ならこう使う

Butter15112lI don't know how this case was used for.  At first glance, I thought it's good to use this case as a butter case.  And gradually, I fell into the belief that this is a buttercase.  I would like you to find the good way to use this lovely case.  Will you use it as a candy jar, or as a jewelry box?  No matter how you use it, I think the point is to enjoy the moment you are thinking on  notes      Today, we have listed some more items in our catalogue.  Don't miss it heart04

これを見たとき、「バターケースに使おうかな~」 が第一印象。考え始めたらそれにしか見えなくなるから不思議think


いいんですよ、何に使ってもsign01 キャンディーケースでもアクセサリーケースでもok



 明日も掲載予定 お楽しみに~new


New Arrivals!/ 新商品入荷! 

R0040455 We will list many new arrivals on our catalogue soon!!

Bronze round lantern with the decoration of DRAGON, Small Bento Boxes 'Jubako' with Makie picture of Flowers, Black laquered small plates with the picture of 'Drum & Whistle', 'Haidai' Sake cup holder, Flower shaped 'Kutani' Sake cup, Sakiori runner, Edo map (made in 1854), Black lacquered Plates (very simple), and etc...

Don't miss it!!soon

Okura Oriental Art


銅器龍文丸型灯籠(電球を入れて間接照明に)漆段重(小さくて可愛い)印判染付蓋物(バターケースにでもしましょうか?) 黒漆皿(笛&太鼓の模様、二十枚あります) 盃台(不思議な模様)九谷盃(桜の花弁型) 裂織(テーブルランナーにいかが?) 江戸地図(嘉永七年版) 黒塗七寸皿(10枚あり、お取り皿に) その他色々・・・・note


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