Being a kid again / しばし童心に・・・
Along the Lake Yamanaka
, there is Teddy Bear Museum where we can see many nice bears. It was amazing that there was a very historic one made by Steiff in 1918, and was owned by a noble family. Since it was well kept in the glass case for a long time, he survived the fire of the World War II. I don't know why it is now in this museum in Japan, but I was lucky to see it
When my daughter pressed the button at the entrance, all of the animals started to move!! Wow What a fancy world
They moved very well
It was my daughter who asked us to go there, but she seemed to get bored soon ..... I'm sure I loved them better than she
You will have more fun around the Lake Yamanaka area. Please visit our showroom there to escape from the heat in Tokyo this summer. We have the English information leaflet at the shop now.
ご存知の方もいらっしゃるでしょう。山中湖畔にテディベアミュージアムがあります。ショールームからもほど近くお客様へもご案内できるようにと思い、行ってきました。 正直あまり期待はしていなかったのですが規模は小さいながらもきちんとしたコレクションがずらり 1918年にオーストリアの貴族が作らせたという逸品まで収蔵されています。
Yes they are, but our Chloe is much more adorable!!:)
Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 05/24/2011 at 21:59