Exporing around Lake Yamanaka partⅠJapanese Restaurant 'Uchiwa' / ご馳走屋 うちわ
We could find a nice Japanese restaurant
'Uchiwa' (meaning: a fan) along Lake Yamanaka. We found it during Golden Week this year. It was the busiest time for the restaurants around there and the people of the restaurant looked so busy and upset, so we had to be patient.
.....BUT! the food was very nice
and we decided to go there again.
We went to the restaurant last week again, and found the people of the restaurant were very nice. They served delicious food quickly and talked about how busy they were during GW. My daughter was so happy to eat yummy food, too!!
山中湖周辺のレストランを探して色々ご紹介していきたいと思います。 まずは ご馳走屋うちわ
初めて訪れたのがゴールデンウィークの真っ最中。 大混雑でお店の人も忙しそう。なかなか料理が出てこない~ ご機嫌ナナメになりかけた時に出てきた料理、これが美味しかった!! また来よう、そう決めてお店を後にしました。
観光客も去った日曜日の夜に再訪 お店の人たちもとてもリラックスした感じで、タイミング良くサービスして下さいました。。 あ~、良かった。 GWは山中湖周辺は1年で一番忙しい時だそうで・・・。
The food looks yummy. The presentation is also creative.
Posted by: dr.k | 05/27/2011 at 17:02