Why don't you open your shop??! / 開かない扉
I don't know why one of my best friends, an antique dealer, Mr.N, has been hasitated to open his shop for a long time. He had moved to the old apartment to open his new shop and the place was already renovated to a beautiful space. This place seems to be quite comfortable for his guests.
Please determine to open the shop!! I will be happy to help you at the openning party!!
友人のN氏。 心機一転 新店舗をOPENしようと奮闘中 及ばずながら私達もお手伝いをしているのですが、どうしたわけかなかなかOPENしないんですこのお店・・・・。
オープニングパーティーをやろう 料理は任せなさい
Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 05/24/2011 at 22:59