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Blue Planet / 願いをこめて

Chikyu2 Chikyu1 From the airplane, my daughter took the photos.  I don't know it was on purpose or not, but they are so beautiful. You will see a small Mt.Fuji in center on the 2nd one. 

The Earth is still blue & beautifull, and we hope it will be clean forever.



We're not alone

We normally have many customers on the weekend, but it is quite different from usual this weekend as we guessed.

However, it was nice to see my best friend from Hong Kong. He moved to Hong kong  from Tokyo, but he came back to Tokyo to help his collegues.  He and his wife love Japan more than Japanese people. He was worried about us.

We got many contacts on phone and e-mail to confirm our safety.  We felt 'We're not alone at all.'  and knew we are supported by many people.  It is difficult to think about it well in our normal life, but we felt kindness of the people.

We will try to work hard for the supporters of Okura Oriental Art.



そのような中、昨年香港へ引っ越ししてしまった親友が私たちを心配して様子を見に来てくれました。 このブログでも度々ご紹介している夫妻です。 彼自身の会社も今回の地震で多大な被害が出たとのこと。復旧、応援を兼ねて戻ってきたそうです。


東京に戻られた方からのご連絡や、数々のお客様・友人からの私たちの安否を気遣うE-mailを頂き、心から感謝しています。 色々な方に支えられて生きていることを実感することが出来てとても幸せな気持ちでいっぱいです。 


Dinner with candles / 灯りのごちそう

Candle1 Thinking of what I can do for the suffering people for now, this is still the best way to save electricity.  In Minato-ku, there is no planned outage, but the people are positive to do it.

I used candles with my favorite candle holders(or 'Haidai' sake cup holders) for dinner this evening. I don't have time to enjoy candle-dinner normally, but found it is very nice to spend relaxed time with the candle light.  Moreover, the regular dinner looks gorgeous:) 

Please try it... the warm light will make your dinner time more happy.

今小さなことでも出来る事・・・節電。 どこでも今積極的に取り組んでいますよね。 すごく良いことだと思います。計画停電はさておき、23区内の今の状況は本来これで足りるのだったらずっとこのままでもいいのではないかな、と考えさせられます。

今日は電気を消して蝋燭の灯りで夕食を。お気に入りの染付の盃台をキャンドルホルダーにして。 これくらいの大きさなら大げさでなく気軽に楽しめます。

いつもは忙しく料理をしてそんな余裕はありませんが、意外といいものですね。たいした節電にはならないと思いますが、ちょっとした気持ちの転換でこんな時間を楽しむのも良いかもしれません。 普通のお惣菜も豪華に見せてくれますよflair

The Power of Life

Flower1 During the time we closed our shop, I went to Kyushu island to see my relatives and old friends with my family.  It was very long trip for me. 

When we left my apartment, I couldn't make up my mind to throw the fresh flowers away, but I left them as they were.

After 1 week, I peered in the room, and found the flowers were still fresh!  I heared heartfelt stories for the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, and I was filled with sorrow.  But at the moment I saw the flowers, I could feel the strength of life.

Japan is now filled with grief, but we must have 'Hope'!!   

From tomorrow, we will re-open the shop.We hope our customers will enjoy our shop and website again.



We will re-open from Mar 24th. / 臨時休業のお知らせ

From Mar 24th, the shop will be re-opened. We look foward to seeing our customers at our shop again.  Thank you.




Okura Oriental Art

Earthquake on Mar 11th / ご心配いただきありがとうございます。

Though many people worried about us, there is no damage at the shop. The shop is opened as usual.  We sincerely appreciate their kindness.

We mourn for all the people who lost their lives and hope the victims will be rescued as soon as possible.

Mizue Sasa





Reunion with the items from our shop /

Mrdecoene Our great customer, Mr.& Mrs. D, sent the photos of the interior decoration using the many things from our shop on our facebook page. The title is 'Our house looks an extension of Okura's' !!

It is the best effect to start facebook!!  I'm so happy to see them and I feel very grateful for getting them.  They used to live near the shop, and I remember they bought many items for the gifts for their family.  And also, Mr.D is a collector of Masks.  His huge collections are decorated on the wall. 

I always thank our customers like Mr.&Mrs.D for keeping in touch with us for very long time.  There was no PC at the shop 10 years ago, and it was not easy to communicate with the customers in the other countries. It is much easier than before and we can take order and ship any items at any time anywhere. 

Please take a look of our facebookpage, and try to send the album of your interior decoration. I'm sure they will be the good hints for the other antique lovers!!

Unique Hobby of my friend / 趣味ってやつは・・・・・・・・・・・・・。

ColemanOne of my friends commented, 'Iron lantern on my former blog is not available for camping' ...

But they are the real ones for camping!!

My friend, O, has very interesting hobby to collect vintage Coleman lanterns.  He collects the ones which were made in the years of his family birthday months. He got one for his wife's birthday gift the hard way, but her response was not so good....

I guess he will try to find the one for all of his family and hope they will show him much gratitude to him!!



友人が自分の誕生した年のランタン(誕生月にも拘って・・・) をコレクションしています。

着目点がなかなか面白いflair  画像のこの二点、自分と奥さんの誕生年月にマッチングしたもの。



(しかも共箱付sign01) いわゆるデッドストックというやつですねthink


まぁ 男子の趣味はよくわからんってことで・・・・・

P.S. Oちゃん 頑張れっshine

Go camping with it!! / 私をキャンプに連れてって

Ironandon1 Ironandon2 There are so many kinds of camping equipment recently.  But there's only one iron lantern in the world!!  It is originally for hanging, but it good to use on the table, too.

It's very old (over 100 years old), but idea is fresh!!  I'm sure your friends will be curious  about itflair

We are looking for a person who try it.  But it is covered with Washi paper..... Please watch the weather...rain

可愛いサイズの灯籠が入荷しました。 上部には鎖がついていて吊り下げても良し。また、置いて使用しても良し。 


キャンプにこれ持っていったらウケるかも・・・・  蛍光灯やLEDのランタンもいいけどキャンドルを灯したらきっと違った雰囲気が演出出来そうconfident


「いいねsign01 」 と思った方ご連絡ください。 



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