Getting acqainted with neighbors / 楽しいご近所づきあい
It has been 12 days since we come to Lake Yamanaka and we luckily got some nice friends here
The family, Mr.&Mrs.A and their lovely children, who live in the next house to the cottage, are very kind and it is our big pleasure to share much time with them. Since they've put their roots in here for a long time, we got many nice local information from them
Today, Mrs.A brought Hozuki & dahlia from her garden They are very fresh and beauiful!! I admire her wonderful personality looking at the flowers and appreciate our luck to meet such a nice family....
山中湖へ来て早12日、ようやくこちらの生活に慣れ、ご近所づきあいまでさせていただくようになりました お隣に住むAさんファミリーは私たちの山中湖生活には欠かせない存在。本当にお世話になっています
今日はお庭で育てたほおづきやダリアをプレゼントしてくれました さすが採りたては新鮮、ピッカピカ
ただ・・・気がつくと娘が上がり込んで朝ごはんまでいただいていて、トホホなのですが・・・。 申し訳ありませ~ん
Hi,Angela-san. Yes, we do enjoy this village and people here. The weather is very comfortable, much better than that in Tokyo!!
Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 08/15/2011 at 10:02