Reassuring place to live / ココロ強い場所
Many people who live above 4~5th levels of the buildings felt big shocks of the earthquake. As I mentioned on the blog, I'm scared of heights It is impossible to live above3 level. Since our shop and residence is on the ground level fortunately, there were anything damaged at both.
When the earthquake occurred, I was at the bakery in the 'International Garden House(IGH)' which is very strong concrete architecture of 3 levels. I knew it was reassuring place, so I didn't feel fear so much
Our friend, Mr. S, owns IGH and the many more houses around it in Hanegi in Setagaya-ku, and they are all beautiful low-rise houses surrounded by huge trees. Yes, it means those houses are all SAFE!! against earthquake.
Please take a look of the website which is introducing IGH.
最初の大きな揺れを感じた時、私は知り合いのS氏が所有する‘International Garden House(IGH)'というコンクリートの建物の中のパン屋さんにいました。 低層で頑丈な建物の中にいるとなぜか、「ここだけは大丈夫」と平静を保っておりました。