Homemade bread / 手作りパンの美味しさ
I like bread, and am happy to go to the bakery even if it is a bit far from here. My Friend, M, bakes so delicious bread almost everyday. She says 'It is my hobby'....BUT I think it is the best bread I have ever eaten. I think it is beyond hobby. She bakes any kind of bread using wild yeast present. The more I chew, the better It tastes
She has time to bake much of bread for now, so I recommend her to sell it by internet to make more people happy. I'm sure I will be a frequent customer. Please wait. I will make a move to start it and introduce her website soon!!
圧力鍋で炊くお米も魅力的ですが、美味しいパンに近頃病みつきです。 というのも友人が焼く手作りパン 本当に美味しい
今、彼女に、「定期的に売って」と交渉中 「ネット販売したら
?」と たきつけたりして・・・