Tansu with 'Kamon' (Family crest) / 雅な小箪笥
We hope you will enjoy the photos of very gracious Tansu today! It has gold 'Makie' of 'Kamon'(Family Crest) of wisteria flowers. It is small size and must have been ordered by a noble family for keeping some specific items, not Kimono. It is quite rare item
I love this size and the strong character on it.
If you are interested in this item, please don't miss it.
下がり藤の家紋が施された雅な箪笥 所々、擦れて薄くなっている部分もありますが状態は良好です。
長寿を意味する下がり藤の紋。 縁のある方もそうでない方も・・・・・
ときたら即 ご連絡を
※ 黒塗蒔絵家紋付小箪笥
高さ 63cm 幅67cm 奥行38cm
材質 杉 黒漆
価格 160.000円