Strong Yen / 円高も悪くない・・・・
Strong Yen is not always bad for us, when it comes to shopping. Our nice friend, Mr. Y, who is living in Seattle, sent us some items from the organic grocery store, Trader Joe's. BBQ sauce, coffee beans, pasta sauce, and etc.,they are all very delicious, I love them. We wanted to visit him and go to TJ's this summer, but we couldn't make it because of some air ticket conflicts. That's probably why Mr.Y sent us so many, he must have tought that it was a pitiful thing for us. He also sent us a big T-shirt with the logo of his company. It's so big that it can accommodate two normal size Japanese men. So we decided to give it away to our 'big' friend, who is getting bigger and bigger day by day, I'm looking forward to invite him for BBQ dinner with the sauce of TJ's, so he will gain another kilogram! I know there are many problems caused by the strong Yen, but I try to take up the positive effects of it.
シアトルに住んでいる友人お薦めのオーガニックフードスーパー Trader Joe's の食品が届きました。
ありがとう Mr.Y
そして・・・彼の会社のロゴ入りTシャツまでプレゼントしていただいたのですが・・・普通の日本人なら二人入ります。 自分で着ることができないので仕方なく、最近ドンドン大きくなっていく友人に譲りました
なっ なんと
ピッタリ・・・・ アンビリ~バボ~
食べることが大好きなこの友人に送ってもらったBBQソースを使ってスペアリブでもご馳走しようかな? もっと大きくなるかも・・・・・・