A Glimps of Autumn / ホッと一息・・・
We went to a town of Saku in Nagano prefecture. While the temperature rose up to 35℃ in Tokyo, it was pleasantly cool and we could feel a fresh air there. Despite a long spell of heat this summer, I could even find the beginning of harvest season in the fields. It was like I finally got a glimpse of autumn. I've felt very lonely in September every year, after the excitement of summer vacation. But this year, I found myself longing for the autumn breeze. Well, I was recharged very much. We are going to have a real autumn soon . . .I hope. Let's enjoy fresh and clear air together!
先日、長野県の佐久へ行って参りました。この日の東京の最高気温は35℃だったのですが、こちらでは気持ちの良い秋の空気を感じることができました 長く続いた猛暑の中でも、田畑ではちゃんと秋の実り
嫌な気分になっていたものでした。 猛暑が続くと待ち焦がれてしまうものなのですね。