Excursion / 遠足
I went on the excursion to Tokyo Tatemono-en ( Edo Tokyo Open Air Architectual Museum) with friends, some of them were from foreign countries. Fortunately, explanation about each building was given in English by the wonderful guides who worked there as volunteers. It was really a sweet pleasure for me to find many nostalgic buildings, which evoked my old memories of childhood. It's a great place! I would recommend you to go there!!
「江戸東京たてもの園」 外国人の方々とご一緒。皆さん興味津々! 「この家、ずいぶん大きいけど何人住んでいたの?」
「これはどうやって使うの?」 等々・・・・・。 英語が堪能なガイドさんもご一緒だったので私が質問攻めにあうことはありませんでした どこかミョ~に懐かしい風景が沢山! 楽しいです!ココ!!
The Bar!
This is the wall of the public bath!!