Lake Yamanaka in late Autumn/ 晩秋の山中湖
We feel confused by the difference of the recent temperature in Tokyo this year, but we could realized it is real late autumn in Lake Yamanaka. The mountains are colored by orange, red and yellow. It was very cold in the evening, and lit the stove and we enjoyed the fire very much.
Today, it was very nice weather and we could see the snow at the top of Mt. Fuji. And also, 'Momiji' festival is held around the lake!! The people enjoy fishing 'Wakasagi' on the ice in winter. I prefer the holiday in tropical island....I can't imagine myself fishing on the ice. But I just want to wait for my husband who may get much 'Wakasagi' and try to cook it!!
Our showroom will be closed in winter time. Please wait for the renewed one next spring!!
Okura Oriental Art
夜、到着したので、朝、窓の外を見てビックリ!景色が全く違う~!(当たり前ですが・・・笑) 山は彩られ富士山はうっすらと雪が積もってる! 湖周辺は紅葉祭りの真っ最中!良い季節に来ることが出来、ちょっと得した気分。
冬になるとワカサギ釣りで賑わうそうです。がっ、寒さに弱い私はとても冷たい湖上でじっとワカサギを待つなんてこと想像がつかず・・・(楽しみにしている方、スミマセン) でも食べたい。