新商品入荷!/ New Arrivals!
We went to the auction and bought many interesting items yesterday!!
For example, large Yonezawa Tansu, Tai(Sea bream)-shaped Sweet box, black lacquered plate with fine 'Makie' picture, Imari 'Sashimi' plates, Kutani Sake cups
, Lacquered Plates of Autumn leaf
, 'Mamezara'(very small plate), Imari Polychrome Japanese tea cups, Wooden cookie mold of
and etc...
You would enjoy them on our website or at the shop soon!!
Okura Oriental Art
米澤箪笥(ドッシリ四尺!) 菓子器(おめで鯛) 黒漆蒔絵図変わり(銘々皿多数) 豆皿(七枚入荷
) 伊万里色絵舟形皿(岡田さんちの刺身皿
) 九谷盃(各種
) 菓子型(
の形) 京焼火入(ほっこり可愛い・・・) 黒塗菱形漆皿(食卓に映えます,源氏香図蒔絵) 葉型塗り菓子皿(
その他、色々・・・・。 順次掲載していきます。
Yes, they are so beautiful!
Posted by: Mizue | 10/20/2011 at 17:00