Autum scenery in Setagaya / 初秋の楽しみ
We went to the house in Setagaya to shoot images for our interior decorating page today. The house is surrounded by many huge trees and we could enjoy the comfortable autumn wind there From the terrace at 2nd floor, we could find orange osmanthus and persimmon. Since it smells so sweet, I closed my eyes and got sleepy even if my husband had very hard time to take many photos because of the strong sunlight there
Eventually, we could get so nice photos to introduce how to use big cabinet and step chest. And also you will see old Nagamochi couch would be very interesting in the modern architecture.
All of our ideas will be carried soon
今日は一日かけてショールーム画像を撮影するために世田谷へ。 この邸宅、なんと世田谷の中の大木が生い茂る「森」の中にあります モダンでゆったりした空間で日本の古いモノ達をいかに楽しく生かせるか・・・いつもワクワクしながら並べています。 私は商品を選んで並べていきます。撮影は夫君。 綺麗な画像を掲載するために一生懸命
さて、今回のショールーム画像、数日で掲載予定です。総欅の階段箪笥、大きな帳場と分割活用法など、見どころ満載!(の予定) お楽しみに~!