Today's Okura / 今日の大蔵オリエンタルアート
It is still so warm and humid
in Tokyo, but I worked very hard(?!) to change our window display. I love to set the table decoration thinking about cooking and food
We could buy very nice Red lacquered trays and fine OLD blue & white bowls. To show them more attractive, I chose the colorful Obi runner. Please come see it
先日仕入れた朱塗の折敷に上手の古伊万里のなます皿をのせて、江戸期の蒔絵の重箱、赤絵の綺麗な大鉢など、賑やかに演出。 道行く人々も立ち止まって楽しんでくださっているようです
Thank you for your comment. We look forward to seeing you next time!!
Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 09/27/2011 at 23:06