Magnificent Bossa Nova Night/ 大人のボサノバ
Last week, we were kindly invited to the party at one of our customer's home. There were already many people when we arrived there after closing the shop.
For the fist time, we felt a bit nervous because we knew none of their friends. However,
we became so happy immediately that all of them were very friendly and nice
We could enjoy the performance by Mr. Jun Kimura, a wonderful bossa nova guitarist. Thank you for all
There will be the garden concerts by Mr. Jun Kimura in the Lake Yamakaka, on August 20th, and 21st. ( Please refer to: ) Yes, it's very close to our Yamanaka Showroom!! We hope to see you all there!!!
先日、お客様のホームパーティーに参加させていただきました。 お店が終わってから急いで駆け付けるとすでに皆さん集まって楽しくワイワイ
初めての参加でしたので最初はちょっと戸惑いましたが皆さん気さくな方ばかりですぐに打ち解けました。 パーティーの途中にはボサノバギタリスト 木村純さんの生演奏を聴くことも出来てすっかりいい気持。
その会場は私たちのショールームのすぐそば。 さっそく予約を入れようと思います。
We look forward to seeing you at the lake!! I just would like to show you the very beautiful view of Mt.Fuji from Lake Yamanaka for your memory of Japan
Posted by: Mizue | 07/08/2011 at 17:48