Summer Flower Decoration / 夏花アレンジ
Although the weather is not nice, I wanted to feel early summer and bought some small sunflowers today
The bright yellow color is very nice on Imari blue & white 'Suiban'!! I love this combination of blue & yellow in summer. Fresh green leaves are also so beautiful with them. Suiban is nice when you want to keep the flower arrangement low on the table. I hope the rainy season will be finished early, but soon we will have to think about the crazy heat of mid summer in Tokyo. How are you plannng to survive the heat this year?
いや~~なお天気が続きそうですが、気分だけでも爽やかに・・・、と思い、可愛らしい向日葵とグリーンを買ってきました 染付の水盤に低く活けてテーブルに置いてみました。 水盤は活け花のためだけのもの、と思われがちですが、テーブルで視線を遮らないように低く花を飾るためにはとっても重宝します
) どうぞお試しあれ~~
Thank you for your prompt comment as always. We hope you will continue to enjoy our blog:)
Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 06/10/2011 at 20:40