Iron Raccoon Dog / 鉄狸、あらわる!
I don't know why I got this item
But he seemed to want to come with me. His Sake bottle ('Tokkuri') was tied by the poor wire and his rusted body was covered by dust
I cleaned him and changed the wire to a hemp string I braid up I also set the bulb inside and it turned to a very unique lamp
I feel like I did something nice
Don't you think so
お店に持ち帰り、せっせとお掃除、そしてワイヤーも手で編んだ麻紐に取り替えました 空洞になっている内側に夜はライトを入れたりして・・・
)助けてあげた気分。 是非、見に来て下さいね~
Thank you! Please come and see him!!
Posted by: Mizue | 06/01/2011 at 17:14