Carved Hina Dolls / いくつになっても・・・
It's been freezing in Tokyo this year. But today, February 1, the temperature is just a little bit higher than yesterday. According to the Chinese calender, February is already in spring. I began to think about happy, warm spring time, especially about the Hina Dolls for the Girl's Festival.
I wanted to tell you about the "Ittobori (literally---carved by one chisel,)" traditional handicraft of Nara Prefecture. I love Ittobori Dolls. The touch is bold, but at the same time, incredibly delicate. Although these Hina dolls are not so old, the history of Ittobori is very long since 12C.. Our HIna dolls are also good to be hung on the wall. I want you to look at their elegance on the face. The greatest entertainment in Japan is to take the seasonal occasion into the arrangement of our daily life. Why don't we enjoy preparing for our beautiful spring?
今日は変わった雛人形を一つ紹介させていただきますね 奈良の一刀彫の雛人形。こうして皿立に立てても良し、壁に掛けても良し。 さほど古いものではありませんがなんとも風情のあるお顔をしています。