Pressure Cooker / 道具は大事
Cookwares are very important ! I've been searching for a nice pressure cooker since my friend made an excellent Lamb Shank Wine Stew for my family. Then finally, I got one!! I had tried many other types from all over the world, but this one, one from the Fissler, made in Germany, is the best
It is already a necessary cookware for my gourmet life. Everything is perfectly made, we don't have to be irritated by the imperfect lid, or there is no worry about leaking of the air. Moreover, it is with the 15-year warranty!! ------- As if jumping into a winner-take -all battle, I bought both 6 litre and 2,5 litre types. It is also very nice for the Japanese cooking. Rice cooked with this Fissler pressure cooker is soft, yet chewy --- far better than made with rice cooker!! I am not an agent of Fissler, but wanted to tell you how happy I am.
各国各種類様々な製品が出ていますが、私が選んだものはドイツ Fissler社製
今まで色々試してみましたが、蓋がうまく閉まらなかったり、圧がどこかで漏れてしまったり、とトラブル続きでしたが、さすがドイツ製。 キッチリしています。しかも15年保証
思い切って、サイズも6リットルと2.5リットルの2種を同時購入 やる気満々
御飯を炊きながら、横で和風のお惣菜を横でコトコト あ~~、幸せ
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Posted by: Mizue Sasa | 02/05/2011 at 21:42