Fun to explore
I was so lucky to come across a nice Soba restaurant along this quiet road in Yamanaka-lake area
I don't know it is very famous or not, but I was so excited to find it!! It is now the season of mushrooms, but I tried special one in this restaurant. They serve Soba with Baked Miso paste. It turned out to be a nice flavor on Soba I have never tasted. I recommend it
I like to find ways to nice restaurants or shops with the help of a map on the guidebook, but it's a big fun to explore without any knowledge in the area.
山中湖方面でドライブしていると、一軒の気になるお蕎麦屋さんが・・・。 よし、入ってみよう こちらのお蕎麦屋さんでは美味しいお蕎麦を変った薬味と一緒に頂けます。 少し焦がしたお味噌、茗荷、なめこ等、全部ぶっかけて(メニュー名:ぶっかけ)ツルツルっと頂きます。蕎麦にお味噌・・・・、と思いましたが、これまた初めてのお味でなかなか美味しい。