Working on a clear autumn day / レストア日和
Last week, we had a customer who hasn't been to our shop for 20 years. Upon her request, we worked on restoring an All Kiri Tansu today, under the clear sky. It was nice to work outside, because we could talk with many people who were passing by and they were all curious about what we were doing. Antique shop in general, may be seen as uncomfortable place to enter. We know you need a courage to enter our shop for the first time. So we realized that it is a very nice thing and a big pleasure for us to have some talks about our items, and about what we are doiing, with many people.
いろいろ質問を浴びせてきます 中には道を尋ねるだけの方もしましたが・・・・
質問にお答えしながら作業をしていると なんだか店頭実演販売のようになってしまいました
作業に熱中するあまり、周りがみえなくなり気がつくと数人立ち止り覗き込んでいた なんてこともありましたけど
この箪笥、来週には仕上がりますので世田谷のOさん もうしばらくお待ちください