Kitchen Cabinet / 五尺水屋箪笥入荷!
This is our new 5-shaku Kitchen Cabinet. 1 shaku= about 30cm. So 5 shaku is about 150cm.
It's getting harder and harder to find the Kitchen Cabinet of this width. We haven't seen the one for quite a while. Many people think that 1 ken (180cm) is too wide, but 4 shaku (120cm) is not enough. So the 5 shaku is the best! This type is gorgeous with the see-through doors. You can put your collections inside, where we put the light.
Dimension: H/167cm, W/149cm, D/42cm, Material: Hinoki (Cypres,9 Keyaki (Zelkova,) and Sugi (Ceder.) Age: 120~130 years, SOLD OUT
なかなか無いのです五尺の水屋箪笥 久々にめぐり合いました 素敵な箪笥です
お好きなコレクションを飾っても良いですね~ センス良く見せびらかしちゃってください
探していた方、是非 ご連絡お待ちいたしております。
サイズ:高さ167cm(上段88.5cm 下段78.5cm) 幅149cm 奥行42cm