新商品入荷! New Arrivals!
Many new items are arriving! Sword Chest finished in natural color. Sendai Tansu, a bit smaller than the conventional size. Elegant Red Lacquered Keyaki Bombori Lamp, whose Washi paper of the shade is the finest made in Kyoto. Smart Andon Lamp ( restoration should be done soon.) Seto Umbrella Stand with the picture of pine tree & The FUJI! A set of Black Lacquered Peddler's Chest bearing a family crest. Small Red Lacquered Fish-Shaped Sweet Case, very pretty
Multi-function Candlestick,
Byobu Screen - a silk embroidered Kimono from 17~18c is mounted on the silk screen - Pls have a look!!
Stylish Two-way Iron-framed Lantern, Makie Lacquered Mirror Case, and etc. We look forward to your next visit !!!
刀箪笥(重々しくならない明るい色で仕上がってます) 仙台箪笥(小振りで使いやすいサイズ) 朱塗欅雪洞(状態秀逸、京都の黒谷和紙を使用し上品に仕上がってます) 細身の行灯(現在修復中! 乞うご期待) 瀬戸傘立て(富士山に松の絵柄が素敵です) ペアの行商箪笥(黒漆に家紋入り) 鯛の菓子器(小さくて可愛い) 変わり燭台(手持ちにもなるし置き型にも出来ます、しかも長さも調整可能!変幻自在!!) 屏風(江戸中期の小袖を表装したもの 素敵です! 是非現物確認を!!) 鉄灯籠(侘寂キイテマス 雪洞タイプで吊り下げても据え置いても使用可能) 江戸蒔絵の鏡入(アクセサリーケースに是非!) 等々 狭いお店に楽しい商品が満載 是非 ご来店ください。