Our New Items! / 新商品入荷!
We got some fantastic items yesterday. They will be uploaded soon but please look at these Kutani Sakazuki-Sake Cups. We got many of them. The lowest price starts from 1,000 yen. I am sure that you can pick up the good bargains.
Also we are stocked with --- Makie Lacquered Small Plates ( set of 5), Seto Unbrella Stand ( essencial for this season), Beautiful Kutani Tokkuri set of 2, Kutani Small Flower Pot, Kutani Sweet Container ( very very thinly drawn picture), Small Kiridame Food Boxes, Imari Insence Burner ( with the family crest of Tokugawa Shogunate Family, 'Aoi')
And Old Light Bulbs ( ! interesting, , ,), Haicho Food Case ( can be the display case by putting the glass plate.)
新商品の入荷情報です。 九谷盃(沢山入荷 一つ1000円~掘り出しモノがあるかも
) 伊万里香炉(葵紋入り)
変わったところでは デッドストックの白熱電球(時代に逆行していますかね・・・)