Store Rearrangement / 店内レイアウト変更
Every time when we had the customer who wanted our glass cabinet, with which we had been displaying our ceramics, we got in a kind of panic since it meant that we had to find the next cabinet immediately. Otherwise our ceramics would be spread all over the floor.
It actually happened again last week, and this time, it was so difficult for us to find the new one, whose both upper and lower parts made of glass. Then we found this Half Glass Cabinet as our last resort, for we can't display all of our ceramics only in its glass part. . . However, isn't this a very beautiful cabinet?
This is a 1-Ken(1,818m) Tansu. Frame and drawers are made of solid Keyaki-Zelkova wood, and the ironwork on the lower part is exceptionally sturdy. And of course the glass is charming, wavering, old glass! If the space allows, we would strongly recommend you this cabinet!!
伊万里などを陳列、ストックしておくために、ガラスケースを使用しているのですが、時々「ど~してもコレが欲しい 売って 」と懇願され、大慌てで代替品を探すのですが、そうそうタイミングよく見つかりません。 しかし代わりがなければお店の中は整理がつかなくなり大変なことに・・・・
さて困った・・・・・。 今回ばかりは本当に見つからず陳列スペースは今までの半分になってしまいますが苦肉の策でこのようなケースを入れることになりました
フレームも欅、抽斗や引き戸も欅 金具もかなりシッカリして
う~ん ビューティフル・・・・
スペースにゆとりがある方、いかがですか? コレッ