BBQ party in the Emabassy Garden
Last Sunday, we were luckily invited to BBQ party by our customer who lives in Australian Embassy. It was our first time to enjoy the family BBQ party in the Embassy garden. It was FANTASTIC
We have never seen the BIG BBQ set in Tokyo, of course(ours is just like a small basin...)
Her husband, P-san, cooked many beautiful dishes easily & quickly! I know it is the most important job for Australian husbands
I brought 'Chirashi Sushi' and hope they enjoyed it, too.
Some more families joined it and enjoyed the conversation. To my surprise, all of them speak Japanese!! Some of them speak Japanese like native speakers! They are very kind to try to speak Japanese for me Thank you soooo much!
It was our great experience and my family & I really enjoyed it ..... Many thanks for this wonderful time, Mr.& Mrs. A!!!
彼女は日本での生活が長く、日本語も堪能。 そのお友達もほとんど全ての人が日本語ペラペラ これには正直ビックリしました。日本人の私より上手
旦那様のPさん 早速、手際良くBBQの準備。 BBQグリルの大きいこと・・・・。豪快にステーキを焼いてくれました。
私が持っているBBQグリルといえば洗面器くらいのサイズ トホホ・・・・・羨ましい・・・・・・。