Karuizawa Ⅱ/ 軽井沢 PartⅡ
This is the report of New Range Rover ---- We tried free trial drive offered in front of our hotel in Karuizawa. We heard that this one in the photo is the only one car in Japan. ALL the inside , up to the ceiling, is covered with leather, all the meters look very much computerized, but the clock is an analog display. This type is very expensive: it's over ¥15,000,000. !! Anyway, there was no problem at all with the drive in snow, it picked up the speed with just a little step on the accelerator. ---- It was, actually, scary. ----- When we went back to the hotel safely, we found an old Range Rover at the entrance. I thougt I would prefer the old type. I think anything doesn't have to be the newest, especially in such a pleasant town like Karuizawa.
ホテルの正面玄関にカッコいいRANGE ROVERが数台。 試乗させてくれるとのことなので早速お願いすることに・・・・。
内装はさすがRANGE ROVER 天井まで総革張り
スピードメーターの回りはパソコンの表示の様・・・・。 なんだか家電品のようですこしガッカリ・・・・・・。
対照的に時計はアナログ表記・・・・。 同乗した担当者曰く、「最近のクルマは時計メーカーとのコラボが多いんです」 ふ~ん そうなんだ・・・・。
このクルマ お値段1500万円超
すると、正面玄関に古~いRANGE ROVERが。