Shipping Agency / 海外発送をご希望なら・・・・。
We have many inquiries about shipping abroad. We did sent many of our items abroad, and we've worked hard to arrange the most satisfactory shipping for our customers. However, sometimes, the estimate becomes about the same as the price of the item. Okura Oriental Art has always looked for the transportation agency which is reliable, accurate, and reasonable. Recently, we found Hubnet Express. ( ) It seems that this is a small agency, but we were glad to have their quick and precise response. When you want to send something to foreign countries, you can send the inquiry either to us, or directly to them. Of course, there are English speaking staffs.
最近、見つけた運送会社さん Hubnet EXPRESS
小さな会社ですが、フットワークが良く迅速に対応してくれます。 価格も大手に比べ比較的安価で送ることが可能。