Imari and Kutani Toward the End of Year / 師走ですから・・・・。
Yes, indeed, "Time Flies!!" I cannot believe that it is already December.
( ←Toshikoshi soba: I think I am not the only one who feels that time passes faster year after year, , , and age will tell , , , ,
, , , , , But still, no matter what age I become, I find great pleasure at the times of Christmas and the New Year
So we renewed the picture of our Front Page and the Interior Decorating page to share the happy wishes with our customers. . Please take a look. I think Imari and Kutani porcelains are perfect on the Christmas dinner table, or at the New Year's lunch and of course, also ideal for gifts
早いもので今日から12月 あっというまに月日が流れます・・・・・・。
プレゼントに最適なアイテムも多数入荷中です どうぞご来店ください。