We're working on, , ,/ 頑張ってます・・・・。(新商品のご紹介)
We have got many wonderful items last week. So we're trying to load the information on the web-catalogue as soon as possible. . . . but, thanks to our many customers came to our shop for gift shopping, we are making little progress.
Our New Items are: Keyaki Sendai Tansu, Small Kiri Tansu with the Square Handles, Iron Sake Pourer, Cloisonnes, Big Sake Cup Washing Bowl, Imari Polychrome Plates, Small Lacquered Plates, Danju Food Cases, Obi with the Design of the Six Great Poets, Kutani Gourd's Shape Sake Bottle, Mah-Jong Set, and etc. Please take a look at them
We hope you will find heartful gifts
先日、楽しい商品を多数入手出来ました いち早くホームページに掲載せねばっ
ギフトシーズンを迎えた12月 この小さなお店にひっきりなしにお客様が来店 とてもウレシイ悲鳴です・・・・・。
漆の小皿五枚組、段重、六歌仙の帯(コレお薦め) 九谷の瓢箪型の徳利、麻雀セット等々、