Roadside Station / 道の駅
"A Roadside Station (道の駅, Michi no eki ) is a government-designated rest area found along roads and highways in Japan. In addition to providing places for travelers to rest, they are also intended to promote local tourism and trade. You can often find shops selling local produce, snacks, souvenirs, and other goods." (quoted from the Wikipedia: )
Our favorite is this one in Hachioji, near the Chuo Expressway, Hachioji Interchange. Vegitables, eggs, fruits, flowers, all the local products are so good and inexpensive. According to the data, there are more than 900 stations throughout Japan. We really recommend you to try one!!!
八王子へ行くたびに訪れる場所。 インターチェンジのすぐそばにある道の駅です。
地元で採れた新鮮な野菜や果物、烏骨鶏の玉子や総菜 お花や植木まで売っていていつも大盛況
新鮮でしかも安い これ重要