Basic Rules / 基本法則
The 2 most frequently asked questions are: how to change the interior, and how to organize the rooms. I think many people get confused by adding the items to the room. I would recommend that it's better subtracting the items from the room first. This is what I always want to advise our customers. Why don't you try to put all of your items into this kind of Big Kitchen Cabinet? This Cabinet accommodates amazingly many things. Also, the upper part and the lower part can be put side by side, and you can display your collections on the top of them. You can see the drastic change!!
「う~ん・・・。インテリアをまとめたいのだけど何から手をつけて良いのやら・・・・」 といった思いっきり漠然とした相談を受けることがあります
心機一転 例えばこのような水屋箪笥を思い切って導入し、乱雑に見えがちな小物類は収納してしまうのもいいかも。