Thank you! / 完売御礼!!
Sado Tansu has been sold in such a short period after we introduced it in this blog. To say the truth, I hadn't introduced it on our web-site for a long time because it was so special for me, too. I wanted it to be bought by someone who really loves it. So, this time, I thank you, Mr.C!
Blogでご紹介した佐渡箪笥。早速お問合わせを頂き、次のオーナーのもとへ行くことが決まりました この箪笥は私も思い入れがあり、本当に好きな方に購入して頂きたいと思いあえて商品カタログに載せずにいました・・・・。
Mr.C ありがとうございました