Hot food for hot summer!!/ 郷土料理???
The rainy season ended today!! Since it was so hot outside, we went to Thai food restaurant in Kichijoji and enjoyed hot and spicy taste. We sit at the terrace and enjoyed a glass of Beer
I really love this moment...thanks god!
I feel a kind of nostalgia when I eat Thai ancestors might have been from somewhere in South-East Asia...
Kichijoji is very attractive city for young people. There are many interesting shops and restaurants. It is worth trying to explore some interesting places!
先日、吉祥寺まで足をのばし、ランチをいただいてきました。 若者の街、吉祥寺ですが、裏通りには何やら楽しそうなお店が沢山あります。
この店もその一つ。 今日も混雑していましたが、せっかく来たのでしばし待つことに・・・・・。
スープは薄味なので、自分の好みで味を調整するのがタイ流 なぜか懐かしく感じるこの味