Flower shop in Nishiazabu/西麻布のお花屋さん
Bamboo Ikebana basket is one of the popular items at our shop. They are sometimes sold before being listed on our website.
I love arrange flowers on the basket, because it will be more attractive with them. Bamboo is always nice with any flowers, of course.
I often go to the flower shop in Nishiazabu, because of their quality and the reasonable price. The kind of the flowers are limited, but it is fun to think what flowers we can buy. There is the parking area in front of the shop, and we don't have to worried about the green men.
Today, we arranged summer flowers at the shop
竹花籠は当店の人気商品。 ウェブサイトに掲載する前に売れてしまったりします。
花を活けてあげればさらにその魅力は倍増 することは言うまでもありません。