Welcome back!/突然の来訪者
While we were spending quiet time at the shop, one of my best friends who moved to Hong Kong suddenly visited us. He is a very naughty boy, because he didn't contact us for several months!
He and his wife love Japan, and try to do everything Japanese. When we went to Soba noodles restaurant, they ordered Tororo(Japanese yam-normally, foreign people don't eat it!)-Soba, Tamagoyaki(omelet). But we found they can't make noise , zzzzz, when they eat Soba. They are too good-mannered to do like real Japanese How sweet they are!!
We did pottery together and the work in the photo was her work. I believe she will be back to Japan. I will keep it here until the next time we will see you
ここ数日、静かな麻布台です。 皆さん夏休みのようで来店される方もまばら・・・・。
昨日も、2時過ぎまで来店者なし! 事務仕事をせっせとこなしていたら香港へ引っ越してしまった親友が突然来店 東京に住んでいる時はいつも差し入れを持って夫婦で遊びに来てくれていました。(浪花屋のタイ焼きとか・・)
骨董市や日本の名所、旧跡を足繁く通い、食べ物も何でもOK 納豆、とろろ、刺身等、
「えっ!それ、食べられるの?」 と思うものまで・・・・。
彼女とは陶芸教室にも一緒に通っていました。 これは彼女の作品のひとつ。